
Enter on: http://www.filmfreeway.com/LondonScreenwritingCompetition

***Note: all entrants will receive feedback and scores from the judges on their screenplay***

“Big thanks to London International Screenwriting Competition for the Semifinalist placement. Industry Professionals are already reaching out! Thanks.” LSC Semifinalist.

“What a great competition and so so valuable…I’ve already had a surge of new followers on Twitter…winning this has already helped me with spec emails and garnering more interest when networking.” LSC Winner.

NOTE: written feedback and scores will be provided by the judges for ALL entries.

Just how do you get an agent, manager or producer in the competitive world of screenwriting? Two key methods are: (i) capture their attention in the first 5 pages; (ii) build a CV with screenwriting competition wins.

“Screenwriters, Your First Five Pages are Key For Executives With Short Attention Spans” (Joel Eisenberg)

“The all-important first 5 pages of any script relies on character, story, action, description and dialogue to create an entire world any studio executive, producer, director, or movie star will want to live in for the next 2 to 5 years of their lives. ” (Screenwriters University)

“There is a lot of luck in this business, but there is plenty you can do to increase the possibilities of your luck, which is being in the right place at the right time, getting involved in competitions…” (Jean Kitson, agent, MBA)

“Screenwriting contests can be an excellent way for aspiring writers to gain recognition, network with industry professionals, and advance their careers.” (No Film School)

The London International Screenwriting Competition is a regular event that focuses on what gets your scripts read by agents in Hollywood or Soho: those first 5 pages. Entering the LSC is not only about the opportunity to add a win to your CV, but also an opportunity to get extensive feedback that can raise your script to the next level! All screenplays will be evaluated by professional readers and award-winning screenwriters, based on their first 5 pages – the pages that really count.

For a slightly higher entry fee you can request an additional analysis of your screenplay’s text, benchmarking it to the writing style of the prestigious Hollywood Black List using a cutting-edge Neural Network. This includes recommendations on how to make your writing style compete with that of those buzz-worthy screenwriters!

Awards & Prizes

Winner: 45-minute career consultation with one of our experts on getting representation, full studio style coverage of a whole script of your choice by one of our judges (3 pages of feedback), free lifetime access to the LSC Black List/Oscars Neural Network, and name announced on londonswc.com and our social media.

Finalists: Free lifetime access to the LSC Black List/Oscars Neural Network and names announced on londonswc.com and our social media.

All of the above have the option of having their script hosted on londonswc.com

Note: Finalists are entitled to a 10% discount on LSC’s full script coverage service, semi-finalists and selected writers to a 5% discount (see here for more details: https://www.londonswc.com/?page_id=81).

Rules & Terms

Screenwriters retain all control and copyright over submitted material.

Incomplete scripts are permissible, as only the first five pages are evaluated.

Scripts must be submitted in standard screenplay format and font (small fonts and margins will be disqualified).

Scripts of all lengths may be submitted but only the first five pages are evaluated by our judges.

Entry fees are non-refundable. Entrants may submit more than one script but must pay a separate entrance fee for each.